video games


 Desensitisation- it has been suggested that people who are repeatedly exposed to violent video games become desensitised to violence and are therefore less likely to show an aversive response towards violence in real life. If such aversive responses toward violence are missing, this may lead to greater tendency to violent behaviour.

Belson found in 1500 teenage boys no evidence that high exsposure to TV violence would desensitive them into becoming more vioent

  • Markey seperated both female and male participants into two groups, one played a violent video game and one a neutral game. Their anger…




What a bob thing!!!



Not sure what this article is trying to get across, but I think videogames have a lot of positive effects. Because of how much I sit on while searching for information about Dota 2, which is my favorite game, I often notice that I became better at remembering things. In addition, my reaction time also got a lot better once I started improving my skill.