Tropical Rainforests : Overview + Adaptations and Biodiversity


Tropical rainforests - A biome that is found along the equator that has distinctive characteristics and biodiversity. They have a dense canopy  it is hot and wet all year round.

Where is it found?

  • At the equator the distance from the earth to the sun is the least so the sun rays are more concentrated. Thy heat the air up so the warm air rises and it forms cloudy skies and high pressure above and low pressure down below on the surface resulting in convectional rainfall and a tropical rainforest.

Characteristics of a tropical rainforest :

  • Climate :
    • Very wet - 2000mm rainfall per year
    • Very warm - 28 degrees average daily temperature with it ranging from 20 degrees to 35 degrees
    • Hot and humid
    • No seasons and climate is consistent over the year
  • Soil :
    • Mixture of weathered (broken down) rock and dead / decomposed organic matter
    • Not very fertile as rainfall washes nutrients away
    • Soils in tropical rainforest are called Latosols.
    • Trees get nutrients from a…


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