Trial and improvement


Trial and Improvement
Any equation can be solved by trial and improvement (/error). However, this is a tedious procedure.

Solve t³ + t = 17 by trial and improvement.

Firstly, select a value of t to try in the equation. I have selected t = 2. Put this value into the equation. We are trying to get the answer of 17.
If t = 2, t³ + t = 2³ + 2 = 10 . This is lower than 17, so we try a higher value for t.
If t = 2.5, t³ + t = 18.125 (too high)
If t = 2.4, t³ + t = 16.224 (too low)
If t = 2.45, t³ + t = 17.156 (too high)
If t = 2.44, t³ +…


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