Treating Disease/ Drug Treatments


Treating diseases 

Aims of Treatment

  • to cure disease permanently e.g. eradicating a bacterial infection with antibiotics 
  • to delay the progression of disease that cannot be cured e.g. using drugs to inhibit the growth of a tumour that cannot be operated on 
  • to palliate the effects of the disease to reduce pain and discomfort, e.g. drugs such as paracetamol to reduce pain
  • reduce or remove the symptoms of a disease e.g. using antipsychotics to reduce symptoms of schizophrenia 
  • rebuild or repair damage to body tissues and structures e.g, facial reconstruction after an accident 
  • replace damaged or diseases body tissues and organs e.g. heart transplant 

Treatment may be necessary when the ailment or illness is to sever for one's immune system to work on its own

Self Treatment 

  • this can often be an adequate treatment for minor illnesses e.g. buying non-prescription drugs to treat a headache 
  • self-treatment can include resting if needed and drinking plenty of fluids 
  • however, some people can become reliant on self-treatment and this can lead to ignoring persistent symptoms of a disease.

Principles of nursing 

Nursing by Informal Carers informal carers can include parents, adults looking after the elderly or disabled relatives. They can provide basic nursing and


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