Translocation in the Phloem


Translocation = The movement of organic substances through the phloem. 

Structure of the Phloem = 

  • Unlike the xylem, it is alive; therefore contains ATP, and carries out respiration. 
  • Has a companion cell, which contains its contents. 
  • Sieve-tube elements, which seperate each segment of the cell. 
  • Sieve-plates, which are in between each cell. 
  • Doesnt contain lignin, showing pressure in the phloem is pretty low. 

From the Source to the Sink:

  • contents move from the source, which is where they're produced, to the sink, which is their destination. 
  • In a plant, glucose is made at the leaves via photosynthesis, and can have 2 possible sinks; however, before this, it is converted from glucose to sucrose, which is far less reactive. If the sucrose is being used in respiration immediantely, then the sink is the growing shoot. However, if it


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