Tourism & Case Studies

  • Created by: missp
  • Created on: 30-05-16 19:59


  • Tourism is an activity that involves a visit away from home 
  • Tourism is a worldwide industry employing 10% of all peopleof working age 
  • Tourism has been the world's fastest growing industry since the 1950s

What attracts people to a place?


  • Quiet neighbourhood 
  • Close to town centres
  • Abundance of local shops, cafes, restaurants, bars and nightlife
  • Plethora of daytime activies; watersports
  • Hotel facilites
  • Money exchange 


  • Close proximity to beach 
  • Type of weather 
  • Temperature 
  • Attractive climate e.g no litter, clear sea
  • Landforms e.g mountains 
  • Ecosystems/ wildlife

Why are people having more holidays?

  • People are earning more money and can afford to go on more holidays 
  • Companies now give employees paid holiday 
  • Travel is now quicker and easier than ever
  • Travel has become cheaper
  • Travel companies create package holidays - its easier to plan exotic holidays 

Popular Tourism areas:


People are attracted to cities such as Rome, London, New York and Paris. All these popular destinations offer culture and entertainment. Cities have recently become popular 'weekend breaks'.


People are attracted to mountain areas by the beautiful scenery and with activities like walking, climbing, skiing and snowboarding. The Alps and the Himalayas are good examples of this.


People are attracted to coastal areas by beaches and activities like swimming and fishing. A popular destination is the Caribbean.

Why is tourism important?

  • Toruism creates jobs for local people
  • This increases the income of other businesses that supply the tourism industry 
  • It is important to both rich and poor countries. Although poorer countries are more dependent on tourism as a source of income.

Tourism makes a big contribution to the UK Economy-

  • There were 34.4 million overseas visitors to the UK in 2014, and collectively spent a record £21.8 billion
  • The UK is popular with tourists because of its countryside, historic landmarks (e.g Stonehenge), churches and cathedrals (e.g Saint Paul's cathedral) and its castles and palaces (e.g Buckingham Palace)
  • London is particularly popular; it's the destination for half of all visitorsto the UK

The Tourist Area Life Cycle/ Resort Life Cycle:

1. Exploration: Small numbers of visitors are attacted to the area, e.g by scenery - not many tourist facilities.

2. Involvement: Local people start providing facilities for the tourists. which attracts more visitors.

3. Development: More and more visitors come as more facilities are built. Control of tourism in the area passes from locals to big companies.

4. Consolidation: Tourism is still a big part of the local economy, but tourist numbers are beginning to level off.

5. Stagnation: Visitor numbers have peaked. Facilities are no longer as good and tourists have had a negative impact on the local environment, making the area less attractive to visit.

6. - Rejuvenation: If the area is rejuvenated then more visitors will come as they're attracted by the new facilities.

    - Decline: Fewer visitors come as the area is less attractive. This leads to decline of the area as facilities shut or become run-down.

A place in the sun



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