Topics 4.6.1, 4.6.3 + 4.6.4 - Homeostasis, Thermoregulation and Control of Blood Glucose

  • Automatic control systems in the body keep it's conditions at a constant level
  • Control systems include:
    • Cells called receptors- which detect stimuli (changes in the environment)
    • Coordination centres- which recieve and process information from the receptors
    • Effectors- bring about the responses
  • Receptors are found in many organs including:
    • Eyes- sensitive to light
    • Ears- sensitive to sound and changes in position
    • Tongue and inside the nose- sensitive to chemicals
    • Skin- sensitive to touch, pressure, pain and temperature changes
    • Brain- sensitive to blood temperature and the blood's water concentration levels
    • Pancreas- sensitive to the amount of glucose in the blood
  • Coordination centres include the brain, the spinal chord and the pancreas
  • Many processes are coordinated by chemical substances called hormones
    • They are secreted by glands and are usually transported to their target organs in the bloodstream
  • Internal conditions that are controlled include:
    • Temperature
    • Water content of the body
    • Ion content of the body
    • Blood glucose levels
  • Body temperature is controlled and monitored by the thermoregulatory centre in the brain
    • It has receptors sensitive to the temperature of the blood flowing through the brain
  • If core body…


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