Topic 8.3 - Humans and their effects on the environment

  • Rapid growth in the human population and an increase in the standard of living mean that increasingly more waste is produced.
    • Unless this waste is properly handled, more pollution will be caused
  • Waste may pollute:
    • Water- with sewage, fertiliser or toxic chemicals
    • Air- with smoke and gases, such as sulfur dioxide, which contributes to acid rain
    • Land- with toxic chemicals, such as pesticides and herbicides, which may be washed from the land into the water
  • Sewage and fertilisers may cause eutrophication 
    • An increase in the concentration of mineral ions in the water stimulates the growth of algae and/or plants
    • Eventually the growth of these plants results in some of these being unable to recieve sufficient light for photosynthesis and these organisms die.
    • Therefore there is a large increase in the populations of organisms that feed on these dead organisms
    • The respiration of these…


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