Topic 3 – Conservation of energy


3.1 Recall and use the equation to calculate the change in gravitational PE when an object is raised above the ground:  change in gravitational potential energy (joule, J) = mass (kilogram, kg) × gravitational field strength (newton per kilogram, N/kg) × change in vertical height (metre, m)  h gmGPE ∆ ××=∆ 

3.2 Recall and use the equation to calculate the amounts of energy associated with a moving object: 

 kinetic energy (joule, J) =

2 1 × mass (kilogram, kg) × (speed)2 ((metre/second)2, (m/s)2) 

 2 2 1 v mKE × ×=

3.3 Draw and interpret diagrams to represent energy transfers

3.4 Explain what is meant by conservation of energy 

3.5 Analyse the changes involved in the way energy is stored when a…


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