Topic 3 - Alkenes

  • Created by: E456
  • Created on: 30-03-17 10:21


  • Ethene and butene are both members of the alkene family. 
  • The general formula for alkenes is CnH2n.
  • The alkenes form another homologous series. 
  • In all the alkenes the hydrogen atoms are joined to other atoms by a single bond. The carbon atoms are also joined to one another by single bonds.
  • Carbon can also form double bonds, both with itself, and to oxygen and nitrogen.
  • Ethene is a flat symmetrical molecule. Carbon dioxide is a linear molecule.


  • Alkanes have their full quota of hydrogen atoms, and are said to be saturated. This makes them relatively unreactive.
  • Alkenes on the other hand do not have their full quota of hydrogen atoms and are said to be unsaturated.
  • A carbon-carbon double bond is quite a strong bond, but it is also quite a reactive bond. It…


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