Topic 2 - Pollution and pesticides

  • Created by: E456
  • Created on: 22-03-17 08:35


  • pollutant= a substance that pollutes something, especially water or the atmosphere.
  • Carbon monoxide comes from the burning of fuels with an insufficient supply of oxygen (when there is sufficient oxygen, carbon dioxide is formed).

  •  Carbon dioxide comes from the combustion of fossil fuels with sufficient oxygen.

  • Sulphur dioxide also comes from the burning of fuels, as most contain a little sulphur. It also comes from roasting metal ores and from volcanoes.
  • Nitrogen oxides come from combustion engines during burning of fuels; in a car engine the temperature is high enough for nitrogen and oxygen from the air to react. They are also formed by lightning and bacterial action in the soil.
  • Ozone is formed naturally in the upper atmosphere by the action of sunlight on oxygen, and at that height it


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