Topic 13: Religion, Human rights and Social justice


Human dignity and religious freedom

The bible teaches that:
Being created in the image of God means they have similar qualities to him
Everyone has dignity because God loves everyone so there should me no division
Other peoples needs should be on the same level of importance as our own needs
Christians should strive for justice and equality

The Catholic church believes everyone should have the right to religious freedom to believe what they wish

Human rights

Quote- each indiividual man is truely a person. His is a nature, that is, endowed with intelligence and free will. As such he has rites and duties.     - PACEM IN TERRIS 9

All countries are legally required to uphold the UN Decleration of Human Rights. The Catholic church promotes these Human rights.

Rights and Responsibilities

Because we all are given th basic human rights, we must also accept that we must take responsibilities to respect other peoples rights so they can be upheld globally.

People should use their rights responsibly and not cause harm to others.

Responsibilities of wealth

Some people believe that the Bible teaches them to reject wealth and be poor. Others believe that having wealth is acceptable if you use it wisely.

There is a danger that wealth distorts values and perspectives of people.

Christians are taught to share their wealth with the poor

Helping to correct the imbalance of wealth in the worly is known as stewardship of wealth

Wealth creation and Exploitation

The catholic church teaches that wealth is essential for survival but it should not be used at the expense of other peoples human rights.

Exploitation is when people misuse power/money to get others to do things for unfair reward, the church is strongly against this and human trafficing which is a modern day form of slavery



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