topic 1 - energy and resources


energy stores-

  • energy is nevr used up, only transferred between stores and objects 
  • energy stores: therma, kinetic, gravitational potential, elastic potential, chemical, magnetic, electrostatic and nuclear
  • systems: an object or group of objects
  • when a system changes, energy is transferred into or away from the system
  • closed systems means no energy can enter or leave - total energy=0
  • energy can be transferred through heating
  • eg boiling water in a kettle - system
  • enrgy from water> kettles heater> waters thermal energy store
  • electrical> thermal> heating> thermal


  • work done is anoter way of saying energy transferred
  • work is done when a current flows 
  • falling objects such as a ball transfer energy 
  • gravitational fall does the work
  • GPE> kinetic energy 
  • in real life the air resistance causes some energy to be movd into other stores such as thermal energy stores

kinetic and potential energy stores-

  • anything moving is kinetic 
  • the greater an objects mass, the fatser it travels, the more energy there is in the kinetic store 
  • kinetic energy (Ek) = 1/2 x mass (m) x speed2 (v)
  • lifting objects in a gravitational field requires work casuing an energy transfer to GPE 
  • the higfher the object the more energy transferred 
  • GPE = mass x GFS x height 
  • stretching or squashing an object transfer energy to its elastic potential energy store 
  • EPE = 1/2 x spring constant x extension2

specific heat capacity-

  • more energy needs to be transferred to thermal energy stores than other to increase their temperatures 
  • change in thermal energy = mass x specific heat capacity x change in temperature 
  • practical- 
  • measure mass of metal block 
  • wrap it in an insulating material 
  • insert themometer and heater into metal block 
  • measure the initial temp and turn on power supply 
  • start stopwatch
  • as block heats uo, measure temp at every minute 
  • turn off power supply 
  • find the materials specific heat capacity 
  • repeat with differnt insulators to test which is best 

conservation of energy and power-

  • energy can be stored or dissipated never created or destroyed 
  • dissipated is wasted energy (stored in unuseful ways)
  • power…


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