To kill a Mocking Bird- Scout analysis


To Kill a Mockingbird


Scout is presented to the reader by Harper Lee as a fiery, yet innocent young girl who experiences the prejudicial elements within her society. Her sociable nature enables the reader to encounter a variety of characters and situations. Bright and articulate, she can absorb what is going on and give a full picture of the action to the reader, perhaps without being completely sure herself. Unique amongst other children her age, she is literate and can read, suggesting to the reader her bright nature. However, we also see how this unique quality is criticised by her teacher, as Scout is told to stop reading with Atticus. Very early in the novel, elements of prejudice are even shown towards Scout, disregarding her skin colour of family background. Perhaps Harper Lee used this to suggest how underlying prejudice is all because of differences and uniqueness in individuals, a theme constantly developed throughout, for instance with Boo Radley.

The novel is told through the young Scout's eyes as a flash back of an older, adult Scout with more wisdom and understanding. The way the reader see's everything through a young and naive perspective shines a light upon the ludicrous society in which Maycomb was, littered with injustice and prejudicial views. Scouts innocence exploits the racism which the reader clearly see's throughout the novel, almost mocking society. This can clearly be seen in Chapter 15, during the lynch mob scene. Scout is particularly polite towards the men, a characteristic she had been taught by her father, Atticus, despite the fact they are threatening her father. Scout herself is not aware of the severity of the situation and in turn asks Mr. Cunningham about his entailment. Shocked and almost embarrassed at their actions, they leave. Scouts naivety and innocence exploited their shameful actions and prejudice. Harper Lee…


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