To what extent should moral decisions be guided by the principle of doing ones duty?


To what extent should moral decisions be guided by the principle of doing ones duty - 40 marks


-Duty and reason are accessible to everyone
-Part of human experience
-Objective (Kant's Golden Rule) - we must act out of duty rather than emotion. We cannot assume whats right for us will be right for everyone else.
-For example is it a firemans duty to put out a fire whether he feels like it or not.
"Do the right thing for the right reason, because it is the right thing to do."

Provides certainty:
-The categorical imperative tells us exactly what is right and wrong.
-Clear sense of moral guidelines
-People generally have the same idea about morality and what it is
-We should do duty for duties sake regardless of any reward
-Treats everyone fairly and unjustly. Unlike utilitarianism where the minority suffers at the expense…


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