To Autumn

  • Created by: KH😈
  • Created on: 22-09-19 18:14


  • Keats was a romantic poet and was passionate about nature.
  • Was worried he would leave no lasting impression on the world - this poem could've been his attempt to be remembered.


  • The poem relates to his life as it comes to an end and the various changes throughout time.
  • Covers three stages in autumn: when crops are ready to harvest, when animals g into hibernation, and when autumn end and winter begins.


"To Autumn" - Season of abundance/ harvest.

"Season of mists and mellow fruitfulness," - Sibilant makes this line calming fro the reader.

"maturing sun;" - The sun makes everything mature (to its perfection).

"how to load and bless" - Bless the vines that run around the thatch-eaves with fruit.

"maturing... To bend... fill, swell, plump" - Represents maturity (ripening).


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