Thermoregulation in Ectotherms


Behavioural Responses:

  • Basking in the Sun to allow them to absorb radiation
  • Orientate their bodies so maximum surface area is exposed
  • Extending areas of their body also increases maximum surface area
  • Examples: lizards bask in the sun in order to get warm enough to move fast to hunt their prey
    • locusts and butterflies orientate themselves for maximum exposure such as spreading their wings
  • Conduction by pressing their bodies against the warm ground
  • Exothermic chemical reactions also warm them up
    • Galapogas iguanas contract their muscles and vibrate to increase cellular metabolism
    • Moths and butterflies may vibrate wings to warm muscles before flight
  • Cooling down is also important to prevent denaturing of enzymes
  • Shelter from the sun by…


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