Theory of Plate Tectonics


Theory of Plate Tectonics:

  • Plate tectonics is a theory that explains the formation and distribution of the Earth's structural features as a series of plates that make up its surface. It suggests that CONVECTION CURRENTS in the mantle move the plates and therefore the continents on top of them. 
  • The theory was published by Alfred Wegener in 1912. He theorised that a single super-continent existed 300 million years ago called PANGAEA. 
  • This later split into 2 contintents, LAURASIA in the north and GONDWANALAND in the south. Today's continents arose from the further splitting of these 2 masses.

Evidence for the Plate Tectonic Theory:

Geological Evidence:

  • Jigsaw Fit: It is obvious that Africa and South America fit together like a jigsaw piece. The Great Glen Fault in Scotland can be traced back to Canada, also suggesting that they were joined at one point.
  • Rock Sequences:Deposits from the galciation of the Carboniferous period found in Antarctica, India and South America, which cannot be explained from their current location. 
  • Discovery of the Mid-Atlantic


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