Theory of Planned Behaviour



  • Main Assumptions
  • one of several cognitive theories that leads to a persons decision to engage in a particular behaviour.
  • an individuals decision to engage in a particular behaviour can be predicted by their intention to engage in that behaviour
  • Intention is a function of 3 factors:
  • 1. Behavioural attitude- product of personal views
  • 2. Subjective norms - a product of social influence
  • 3. perceived behavioural contol is assumed to act either on intention or to behave ina  particular way, or directly on the behaviour itself.
  • TPB as a model for addiction prevention
  • Changing behavioural attitude
  • US office of national drug control policy launched a campaign in 2005 to lower teenage marijuana use. 
  • effectiveness of this campaign attributes its success to its influence on attitudes. 'Above the Influence' and tried to create a different attitude towards the effect of taking marijuana, it is inconsistent with being autonomous and achieving aspirations.
  • Changing Subjective Norms
  • anti drug campaigns seek to give adolescents actual data about the percentage of people engaging in risky behaviour
  • in order to change subjective norms
  • most adolescents do not smoke so exposure to accurate statistical information should correct


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