Theories of Religion

  • Definitions of Religion:

Substantive definition = focuses on the content and religious belief in a God/supernatural. Exclusivist - draws a line between religious and non-religious beliefs, so to be a religion you actually have to have a set of beliefs in a God/supernatural.

Functional definition = defines religion in terms of the social/pyschological functions it performs for its members. E.G.-Durkhiem. Inclusivist.

Constructuralist definition = do not assume that religion always involves a belief in God/supernatural and doesn't assume that religion performs similar functions for all its members. Interpretivist approach - interested in how definitions are constructed and challenged. Not possible to construct one universal definition of religion as it can mean different things to different people.

Functionalist Theories of Religion:

  • conservative force - maintains the status quo
  • promotes socialo harmony, integration and solidarity through reinforcing the value consensus
  • meets the functional pre-requisites (basic needs) of society by providing a shared belief of right/wrong
  • keeps society running smoothly, without it there would be chaos
  • intergrates members through collective worship as they're all taugh the same messages/stories etc (heaven/hell)

DURKHEIM: Sacred and Profane-

Main fuction of religion is to socialise members into a collective conscience. Relgion creates social order by: setting certain values apart and infusing them with special significance and encouraging collective worship.

Key feature of of religion was not a belied fin the supernatural (God/spirits) but a fundamental distiction of what is


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