Theme 4



  • Dicken's highlights importance of family. Family is shown as a source of comfort, strength and joy.
  • The Cratchit family- symbolic of an ideal family, they're very close, enjoy affectionately teasing and talking with one another. They're also very supportive and loyal- they unite in grief over Tiny Tim's death.
  • Dickens emphasises how the cratchits are the ones that make their family special as in reality, there is "nothing of high mark" but their family love strengthens them and makes them happy.
  • Dicken's links Family to happiness e..g Freds Family are shown having fun together as they celebrate christmas e.g. Freds laughter is "irrestistibly contagious" and his wife "laughed heartily".
  • Scrooge also shows some regret of not having a playful, boisterous family with Belle and what could have been his daughter. Dicken's says the family are full of "joy and gratitude and ecstasy".
  • beginning- Scrooge doesn't see the point in family or the virtue in it. Every year, he dismisses Fred's invite to dine with his Family in favour of solitude. For example when…


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