Theme 2-



  • To achieve redemption, scrooge has to give up his miserly ways and make up for the bad things he has done.
  • whether or not he will creates dramatic tension for the readers.
  • Beginning- it seems like it will be impossible for Scrooge to ever change as he is negatively portrayed as a misanthropic who dislikes other people and refuses to give to charity " its enough for a man to understand his own business, and not to interfere with other people's.
  • The last ghost creates fear for scrooge and makes him want to change his ways as he can now understands the consequences if he doesn't.
  • Dickens is arguing that even the worst of the worst can find redemption. But to do this, they must make the choice themselves. E.g. Marley didn't do this and he now admits that his chains were forged of his own "free will" because he chose not to change his miserly ways while he was alive.
  • Dickens hints Scrooges signs of wanting redemption.
  • The ghost of the christmas past shows that scrooge wasn't always so mean-spirited.
  • He used to have close relationships e.g. Fan, Belle etc these show that Scrooge


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