The origins of the Korean war

  • Created by: ex-Roz
  • Created on: 23-03-15 09:43

Chapter Two

  • The deafest of Japan in August 1945, suddenly made it possible the fufilment of both Kin's and Syngman's dreams

The division of Korea

  • Russai had agreed to join in the war against Japan
  • The use of the atomic bomb meant that the USA did not need them in the end
  • Soviet troops poured into Manchuria (Northern China) and into the Korean Peninsula
  • There were no American troops in Korea at 2am on the morning of the 11th August
  • The USA rushed troops to Korea with orders to halt at the 38th parallel, Thus Kim il Sung arrived first, in North Korea in Spetmeber 1945; Syngman Rhee arrived a month later into the American zone

The establishment of the North Korean state 

  • The USSR appears to have been in better prepared for how it proposed to run its occupied zone
  • Kim was welcomed in Octtober 1945
  • In february 1946 an Interims People's committee was set up under Kim's chairmanship
  • Mant of the landowning class has co-operated with the Japanese and the junior administrators under Japanese rule now began to flee from the North and entre the US zone.
  • 800,000 were eventually to cross the 38th parallel heading south
  • In Septemeber 1948 an independent government was established in North Korea
  • Soviet forces formally withdrew; the withdrawal was completed by Decemeber. It left behind, however, a docile puppet state. There was a well-staffed Soviet embassy and Soviet mission; a host of Soviet advisers and technicians directed the reviving heavy industry of the North.
  • The Key institution came to be the NKPA (North Korean People's army) established in February 1948. It was placed under soviet- trained commanders like Kim with a plentiful supply of advisers (150 per division) and Soveit equipment. 
  • The NKPA enjoyed a privileged position inside North Korea in terms of food and…


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