The Multi-Store Memory Model Key studies and Review

  • Created by: Josie
  • Created on: 02-05-13 21:29

The Multi-Store Memory Model.

·         Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968)


·         Environmental stimuli is then picked up by the...

·         Sensory memory- composed of several stores; the eyes, ears, nose, fingers, etc. and corresponding areas of the brain. the sensory stores constantly receive information but only lasts for a very brief period but if attention is paid to one of the stores, then data is transferred to the STM

·         Short-term memory - it has a limited capacity and limited duration and is largely acoustically encoded. Information that is in the STM is fragile. It will decay quickly if not rehearsed. the STM has limited capacity and duration therefore three actions are possible:

§  Maintenance rehearsal to keep that information in the short term memory

§  Maintenance rehearsal to transfer information into the long-term memory

§  Information retrieval, this enables you to access and use the information that is in your short term memory

·         Long-term memory- the more the information in the short-term memory is rehearsed, the more lasting the memory will be. In order to access information from the LTM, we have to convert it back into the short term memory through 'Retrieval' once its back in the STM, we are able to use it. The long-term memory store has:

§  Unlimited capacity

§  Unlimited duration

§  Semantic encoding

A02: Research

·         Sperling (1960)

§  Evidence for the Sensory store

§   Procedure: Limited duration proved in a study by Participants saw


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