The Good Morrow


The Good Morrow

(use for love, wit/humour [Jan 14], natural world, landscapes, men and women, joyful experiences,voice,eternality)

  • Title - suggests that the dawn of true love, it's essential quality and the mutal understanding and confidence between the souls of the lover and the beloved. The lovers set out to defy time but the speaker and the lovers' type of love is neither subject to time nor death links to "Love so alike that none do slacken, none can die."
  • Two lovers wake up up into the new world of love
  • "I wonder by my troth, what thou and I// Did, til we lov'd" - The speaker cannot picture what life without love is like. The poet is examining the nature of the first experiences of love.
  • "Sucked on country pleasures, childishly" - First set of experiences is childish, hyperbolic tone heightens the idea that before this perfect, mature love, him and his lover were like children, naive and barely even alive. Even though the speaker enjoyed these "country pleasures" they were merely


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