‘The concept of the resurrection of the body is incoherent’

  • Created by: marina
  • Created on: 03-07-12 09:41

‘The concept of the resurrection of the body is incoherent’

The concept of the resurrection of the body can be argued to be incoherent using Locke’s analogy of cobbler and prince. This portrays the idea that the prince is resurrected into a cobbler and it questions issue of person identity. He asks what makes us who we are? He questions whether a dead person is really identical to another person in a different body. It seems to be incoherent as he cannot really seem to be the same person as he really was in his past life as he is now a completely different status in society. This causes an issue with resurrection of the body because if we are resurrected in another body we can surely not be the same person as before or at least cannot be recognised to be the same person as before.


Moreover this


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