The Clown Punk - English Literature


Key things to note about the poem "The Clown Punk"


One of the key themes that can be seen from The Clown Punk is the sense of isolation from society. The first thing that suggest this is the fact that he has been called a punk. A punk is someone who sees themselves different from everything else, this basically means that they cut themselves of from society which is what gives us this sense that he is a man who doesnt want to associate himself with anyone else.


One thing that we can say about the voice of the poem is that it is the poet talking about the clown punk. Another thing that we can pick up on is that the poet is trying to make himself seem quite superior in comparison to the clown punk. A quote that shows this is when he says "Driving home throught the shonky side of town". Its like he is trying to give a sense that he is far better than anything associated with the clown punk and where he wonders about. Another quote that shows this is when he says "three times out of ten you'll see the clown town", this is another judgement towards this man and again it seems like the poet is trying to get across that he is far better than any of this, that he is far more superior. Another thing that could be picked up on is that the peot doesnt actually refer to him by his name which could lead to a signof disrespect towards this lone man and his dog


The tone of the poem is not exactly what you would call positive as the poet


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