The working memory model


The working memory model (WMM):

  • The WMM is a explaination for how one aspect of memory (STM) is organised and how it functions.
  • The WMM is concered with the part of the mind that is active when we are temporarily storing and manipulating infomation.
  • The model consists of four main components, each of which is qualitatively di8fferent especially in terms of capacity and coding.

Central executive (CE) -

  • Essentially an attentional process that monitors incoming data, makes decisions and allocates slave systems to tasks.
  • Has a very limited processing capacity.

Phonological loop (PL) -

  • One of the slave systems.
  • Deals with auditory information (i.e. coding is acoustic).
  • Preserves the order in which the information arrives.

Subdivided into - 

  • The phonological store, which stores the words you hear.
  • The articulatory process, which allows maintanance rehearsal (repeating sounds or words in a 'loop' to kepe them in working memory while…


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