The Winter's Tale - Imagery of Hands & Seasons & Weather

  • Hands – hand imagery abounds throughout the play, from Leontes’ plosive spite in noting‘paddling palms and pinching fingers’ (I.2.115) to Autolycus praising his own ‘nimble hand’ (IV.4.667), deeming it necessary for his dishonest profession.
  • Florizel frequently bids Perdita give him her hand, showing their connection in love.
  • Their respective fathers, at the beginning of the play, showed their affection when they ‘shook hands, as over a vast, and/ embraced’ (I.1.29-30).
  • The Third Gentleman later relates a ‘holding up of hands’ as part of the reunion between father and daughter in Act Five scene Two.
  • Perdita longs to kiss the hand of the statue when she sees it in the


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