The Werewolf

  • Created by: fifiball
  • Created on: 21-08-18 17:47


-"it is a northern country; they have cold weather" 

-"Cold; tempest; wild beasts in the forest. It is a hard life"

-the poeple living near the forest fear both the beats as well as monsters like vampires or "the Devil is as real as you or I"

-very suspicious/fearful people: "they stone her to death" a woman for being followed too closely by her black cat (witches)

-in this land lives a child and her mother who tells her to go to her grandmothers with oatcakes as she has been sick

-grandmother lives five miles away through the forest the mother gives her her "father's hunting knife" and warns her not to stray from the path

- the child is a moountanier's daughter and is experienced with the knife - "she knew the forest far too well to fear it'

-a wolf with "red eyes" and "grizzeled chops" "went for her throat"

-"she made a great swipe at it with her father's knife and slashed off its right forepaw"

-the wolf "let


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