The US President is effectively unrestrained in the exercise of political power within the US system of government - 30 marker


'The US president is effectively unrestrained in the exercise of political power within the US system of government' How far do you agree with this statement?


  • The constituition states that all executive power whould be based in the president 
  • The Founding fathers created a president who is both head of state and head of the Government - synoptic link = the Queen is head of state in th UK not the Prime Minister
  • 'I am both King and Prime Minister' - Theodore Rossevelt
  • They are however limited by checks and balances

Judgement = The president does not have unrestrained political power, he is limited by checks ans balances and the lack of control he is able to excercise over the federal bureaucracy.

Paragraph 1 - The Constitutional powers of the executive

  • propose legislation - state of the Union adress - Trump used his adress to try and secure funding for the Mexican Border wall, keep guantanamo bay open etc.
  • Submit the annual budget
  • Sign legislation - Bill signing ceremonies
  • Veto Legislation - pocket veto, cant be overridden
  • Act as cheif executive
  • Nominate executive branch officials and all federal judges - there are more than 4000 positions for Trump to fill, 1200 of which require senate confirmation
  • Act as commander in chief
  • Negotiate treaties - Obamas nuclear arms treaty with Russia
  • Pardon - Ford and Nixon, Obama and Chelsea Manning
  • Head of state - 'comforter in chief' 

But there are checks and baknces placed on the executive:

  • Congress…


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