the structure and functions of the musculo-skeletal system

  • Created by: rxbyw
  • Created on: 08-04-19 21:33

the musculo-skeletal system is important as it provides muscular strength and muscular endurance


protection of vital organs:

skull protects brain, spine protects spinal cord, ribs protect internal organs+heart

muscle attachment:

muscles are attached to bones by tendons and muscles pull on the bones to generate movement

joints for movement:

joints lets the body make a variety of movements

make 'fine' and 'gross' movements

joints form lever which means small forces can generate larger forces

storing calcium+phosphorous:

these minerals are vital for developing and maintaing strong and healthy bones needed for exercise

phosphorous reduces muscle pain after hard workouts

red and white blood cell production:

bone marrow makes most of the cells of the blood

responds to the bodys condition to keep it in good shape

if the number of red blood cells goes down it makes more red blood cells and if you have a cut it makes platelets to reduce bleeding and if you have an infection it makes white blood cells

bone growth and development-

bones are formed from cartilage

bone growth begins in…


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