the social learning theory

  • Created by: maisha
  • Created on: 13-03-21 20:54


The social learning theory suggests that behaviour is learned via imitation and observation of others and is influenced if the model a person identifies with receives praise or punishment vicarious reinforcement .as they believe that if they were to complete a similar action through copying the model by invitation they would receive a similar outcome where meditational processes are used to weigh up pros and cons depending on the models outcome .

research in support of the social learning theory was conducted by bandura in 1961 were children half the group observed in an aggressive role model saying POW and hitting the bobo doll with a mallet and the other half witnessed a non aggressive model in the same situation . then the children were taken to the room and 1/3 of the children who witnessed their aggressive model repeated their behaviour to the board all but none of the non aggressive groups did so .this supports slt by showing imitation of models .



a criticism of research


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