The Sancity of Life

  • Created by: Gaynor
  • Created on: 19-01-18 19:31

"God created all life (Genesis 1:26) so, life is a gift from God and therefore, life is believed to be sacred. This means life must be protected and preserved. 

Life is also considered sacred because of the life and death of Jesus Christ. This is because God sent his only son to earth as a human being, hence showing that human life has great value. 

"He became what we are so that He might make us what He is" - Athanasius

"For us men and our salvation, He came down from heaven, and by the Holy Spirit was incarnate of the Virgin Mary and became man" - Nicene Creed

Human life must be considered valuable and sacred by everyone and we must always try to protect human life. We must not for any reason harm anyone in anyway for any reason as


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