The Revolt of the Nobles



  • Lettres de cachet and imprisonment of Paris Parelement wanted to be ended.
  • Attacking Brienne "general will" (Enlightenment)
  • Demand for Estaes-General and Assembly of Clergy.
  • Brienne demanded for a larger Don Gratuit.
  • Royal authority collapsed lend to absolute monarchy.
  • Nobles leading.

"Day of Tiles" 7 June 1788

  • One of the first disturbances.
  • People of Grenoble faced financial hardship from economic crises. 
  • Unrest was sparked by the attempt of Brienne and Louis to abolish the parlements.
  • Tension rose among the Third Estate due to...

- Poor harvests.

- High cost of bread.

- Church and aristocracy refusing to give up privileges. 

  • Large meeting was held and it was decided to call together the Old Estates of the province of…


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