The Personal Rule: finance

  • Created by: gemshort
  • Created on: 23-05-18 21:07


  • Charles managed to increase revenue through more efficient exploitation of existing rules
    • In 1630, a commission was set up to contact everyone who had not paid for their title of knighthood - this had raised £165,000 by 1635
    • Tonnage and poundage continued to be collected and a new Book of Rates was issued in 1635, increasing customs duties - by 1637, the amount coming in from customs duties had risen to £425,000 a year
    • Income from Recusancy Fines was increased from £5300 a year in the 1620s to £26,000 in 1634
  • By 1637, the budget had been balanced
  • Ship Money was introduced
    • In 1634, it was levied from coastal areas, but this was extended to inland areas from 1635


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