The Person of Jesus

  • Created by: ekenny5
  • Created on: 25-01-22 19:34

Son of God

Decided at the Council of Chalcedon (451AD) that Jesus is truly God and truly man.

  • In Jewish terms, Son of God was used to refer to a King, someone chosen by God to carry out his will on Earth - the term SoG was not exclusive to Jesus at the time, so it is possible that the interpretation has been literal, when it was not intended this way. 

Christology: the nature of the relationship between Jesus and God. From above: focuses on divinity. From below: focuses on Jesus' messages, example and teaching.

It is argued whether or not Jesus knew he was the Son of God: 'I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me' but also 'the father is greater than I'.

Miracles: Jesus' ability to perform miracles could prove divinity or just a special relationship with God, similar to Mary and immaculate conception. Though Jesus was not the only one to perform miracles, Moses, Abraham

Salvation: miracles illustrate a renewed society. Jesus' metaphorically opening our eyes to the wonder of God

Belief on the natures of Christ:

  • Nestorius - the two natures of Christ were completely separate (divine and human)
  • Apollinarius - the incarnation - the divine will replace Jesus' ordinary human reason
  • Doetic Christians - at the incarnation, God appeared to take human form, but Jesus couldn't be fully human

Resurrection: life triumphing over death, the start of a new era. Like a confirmation of divinity. Doubting Thomas was proven wrong - showing more than just physical 

Biblical Quotes:

  • 'All who touched [Jesus' cloak] were healed'  Matthew 14
  • 'This is my son whom I love, listen to him' Mark 9
  • 'My kingdom is not of this world' John 18
  • 'Who is this, that the wind and sea obey him' Mark
  • 'But in fact Christ has been raised from the dead, the first of the fruits who have died' 1 Corinthians 
  • 'If Christ has not been raised, teaching is useless and so is faith' Paul 1 
  • 'I am not here on my own authority but he who sent me is true' John 7:28

Jesus the Liberator

SGF Brandon - the depiction of Jesus has changed overtime. He was a politically driven freedom fighter but later is shown as a politically neutral pacifist. Jesus was seen being biased towards poor and exploited members of society. Those facing opression and injustice use Jesus' courage as motivation.

Zealots - a first century Jewish political group who wished to rid Palestine of Roman occupation. They often used violent means and lead rebellions. They are often seen as the first terrorists. Jesus chose Simon the Zealot as one of his apostles, seen to be siding with the underside of history.

Liberator of the Marginalised - many of Jesus' parables were with those outside of society, who were considered sinners, sexually impure and religious heretics. Showed the teaching of love thy neighbour by acting in such a way towards the marginalised. 



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