the network

  • Created by: kshaw420
  • Created on: 26-01-18 12:23

the internet is a global network of computers that any computers can join it is a wan which is a serises of a connected LANs data packets are sent betwwn computers using protocols tha manage how data is sent and receive. the internet also suse different models such as the client sever moddel and the P2P model to connect computers in diffrent ways the internet is leading to more and more people using cloud compuing the store flies and use web application online

web browser 

a web browser is a pice of soft ware that enables the user to access web pages and web apps on the internet there are a range of browsers available and they are usually free to download and intall

the internet of things is the concept of networking lots of diveces so that they can collect and transmit data the idea that any object or living being can be uniquley idenifed on capture of information franter quantites of it can be stored and proccessed 

information gathered from such systems can be used to intelligently respond and adapet to the needs of an environment for exmple light and heating can be automatically switched off to reduced wasteble 

fiber optics

fiber potic calbing is made form glass that becomes very flexable when it is thin ligh is passed throght the cable using a transmitter.light travels quikly through the light reflectiing inter wall of cable 

the transmitter in the router send light pulses representing ninary code when the data is receiced it is decoded back to its binary from and the comuter desplays the mesasage 

copper cable 

copper cable uses elctical signals to pass data between networks there are three types of copper cable coaxial unshieled twisted pair 

broadband connections 



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