The nervous system and the endocrine system

  • Created by: EloiseMay
  • Created on: 20-03-18 09:50

The nervous system

This is a specialised network of cells in the human body and it is our primary communication system. Functions: to collect, process and respond to information in the environment and to co-ordinate the working of different organs and cells. It is divided into the CNS and the PNS.

The central nervous system is the brain and the spinal cord. The brain's outer layer is the cerebral cortex which is what distinguishes humans from animals. The brain is divided into two hemispheres. The spinal cord is responsible for reflex actions. 

The peripheral nervous system transmits messages via neurons to and from the CNS. It is further subdivided into the autonomic nervous system which governs vital organs in the body like breathing, heartrtae, digestion, sexual arousal and stress responses. And the somatic nervous system which controls muscle movement and recieves information…


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