The multi-store memory model

  • AO1:
  • Theory - Atkinson and Shiffrin: Multi-store memory model (MSMM)
  • The MSMM describes how information flows through the memory system. Memory is amde of 3 stroes linked by processing. These stores are: Sensory register, STM and LTM. 
  • The Sensory register - A stimulus from the environment (e.g. the sound of someone talking) passes into the SR along with lots of other sights, sounds etc. This part of memory is 5 stores, one for each sense. They duration of the SR is very brief - less than half a second. It has a high capacity, over 100 million cells, each storing data. And the coding depends on the sense - visual, auditory, etc. 
  • Transfer from SR to STM. Little of what goes into the SR passes further into the memory system - to be passed on attention needs to be paid to it. 
  • Short term memory (STM). STM is a limited capacity and duration store. Te duration is about 18-30 seconds, unless the information is rehearsed. It can hold around 5-9 items before some forgettng occurs, and the codin is acoustic. 
  • Transfe from STM to LTM. Maintenance rehearsal occurs when we repeat (rehearse) material to ourselves. We can keep information in STM as long as we rehearse it. If we rehearse it long enough, it goes into our LTM. 
  • Long-term memory (LTM). LTM is a permanent memory store. When we want to recall material from the LTM it has to be


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