The Invasion of Czechoslovakia 1939


On 15th March 1939, German troops marched into Czechoslovakia. Czech leader was bullied and harrassed until he signed Czechoslovakia over to Hitler. Czechoslovakia was given independence under German protection.

Chamberlain emphasised that no aggreession had taken place, and that Czech leader had agreed to it.

The rest of Britain was very angry with Chamberlains comments, they knew he was being stupid and knew war was inevitable.

Hitlers invaion of Czechoslovakia was the end of appeasement

-It proved Hitler had been lying at munich when he he promised he would maintain peace in Europe(not start wars) if he got the Sudetenland in return. No one could trust him anymore after he broke this promise when he invaded Poland which then left Britain and France no choice but to declare war. Chamberlain underestimated Hitler

- It showed that Hitler was not just interested in a 'Greater Germany',


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