The instability of Weimar governments, in the years 1919 to 1923, stemmed primarily from the problems created by the Weimar constitution (25 marks)


Weimar constitution:

Arguement : Proprtional Representation - designed to ensure that all shades of political opinions are represented in the Reichstag, proliferation of small parties led to 10 coalition between Feb 1919 and Nov 1923. Article 54 - needed the army to nforce the law. Article 48 - emergency decree abused by Friedrich Ebert.

Counter Arguement : Gave more rights, equality and freedom, Article 22 (men and women over 21 could vote), more democratic than Britain, censorship was lifted, freedom of the press, freedom of speech, power was with the people, referendums could be called by the people (10% applied), 83% turnout and 76.1% voted for pro-democratic parties.

Political Instability :  

Arguement : November revolution 3rd November 1918 - Impact Kaiser abdicates on the 9th and prince max von baden resigns and Friedrich Ebert becomes chancellor, Armistace signed on 11th led to a fracture on the left. 376 political assassinations, Walther Rathenau targeted June 1922, foreign minister and participated in signing of the armistace and had negotiated with the allies to try to improve the treaty of versailles. Spartucus uprising -


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