the inspector


1) the inspector is presented as a socialist mouthpeice, preaching to the other characters

- final speech

- "there millions and millions and millions of john smiths and eva smiths still with us"

- use of generic names shows how dull the lower class' live were forced to be, upper class names full of exuberance - used to show how universal the suffering of working class is

- repitition of millions emphasizes how vital it is to change - shows how much their actions truly imapct society


-upper class often disaccociated themselves with lower class, this forces them to reconsider, giving them names makes them change their veiws

2) presented as sympathetic and concerned for others, direct contrast to mr birling. highlights faults of upper class

public men, mr birling, have responsibilties as well as privileges"

- direct address shows preistley is speaking directly to who mr birling represents

- public is ironic, does nothing…


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