The Impact of sport on society and of society on sport


Society - Organised group of people associated for some specific purpose or common interest

Socialisation - Lifelong proess where members of society learn its norms, values, ideas, practices and roles in order to take their place in society

Internalisation - Learning of values or attitudes that are incorporated within yourself

Gender socialisation - Act of learning to culturally definied gender roles through socialisation

Social Control - Concept that refers to way in which people's thoughts, feelings, appearance and behaviour are regulated in soial systems

Institution - Established organisation founded for a religious, educational, professional or social purpose

Social Change -  Alteration in the social order of society

Social Issues - Problems that affect many people within a society

Inequality - Unfair situation where resources or opportunities are distributed unevenly within a society

Social Stratification - Type of social inequality where society is divided into different levels on the basis of a social characterisitic…


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