The humanistic approach

  • Created by: kateida0
  • Created on: 13-05-18 22:35


an approach to understanding human behaviour that emphasises the importance of subjective experience and each person's capacity for self-determination

Free Will - the notion that humans can make choices and are not determined by biological or external factors

Humanistic psychologists, such as Rogers and Maslow, reject attempts to establish scientific principles of human behaviour as we are active agents who are self-determining

Self-actualisation - the desire to grow psychologically and fullfil one's full potential - becoming who you are capable of.

everyone has an innate tendency to want to reach their potential. Maslow's hierarchy of needs has self-actualisation at the top which requires 4 other deficiency needs to be met in order to be able to self-actualise.

The self, congruence and conditions of worth - 

self - the ideas and values that characterise 'I' and 'Me' and includes perception and valuing of 'what I am' and 'What I can do', Congruence - the aim of Rogerian therapy; when the self-concept and ideal self are seen to broadly accord or match, Conditions of worth -


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