The Growth of Opposition

  • Created by: keisha_
  • Created on: 17-05-16 12:35

Liberal Intelligentsia

- Industrial and educational expansion led to the middle class wanting more liberal change.


- The professionals elected to the Zemstva were highly critical of autorcracy.

-Alexander III's introduction of land captains to get rid of any people in the Zemstva who complained only increased opposition.

-Also what angered them was the governments inability to coordinate famine relief which was always left to the Zemstva. 

-This very much showed Tsarist incompetence. 

- Frustrated Liberals formed the 'Beseda' the first organised Liberal opposition group. 

Other Liberal Critics

-Liberal 'celebrities' such as the author Leo Tolstoy helped make the change popular.

Radical Oppression

-Alexander the III failed to eradicate radical oppression.

-Students reformed the People's Will and five members were excecuted (one was Lenins brother) for plotting to kill the Tsar. 

-Populism reemerged in universities.

The Socialist Revolutionary Party (SR)

-Established in 1901.

-Combined Marxism with the populist belief in land redistribution.

-Chernov edited the party journal 'Revolutionary Russia'. 

-They urged the urban working class and the peasantry to challenge autocracy.



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