The establishment of the Weimar Republic and its early problems- The abdication of the Kaiser and the German Revolution of 1918-19.



The abdication of the Kaiser and the German Revolution of 1918-19.


Effects of WW1:

  • loss of faith in the government
  • death of thousands each week due to diseae (flu virus then TB)
  • late 1918, food runnning low- adults living on less than 1000 calories, strvation. 
  • 1.7 millin killed fighting, 4.3 millin injured
  • rise in protests among people 
  • when america joned, 2 million fresh trops, German general knew tgeir fate so began to retreat.
  • Oct 1918, mutany at Kiel, news of this spread and lead for several more uprisings.
  • talk of revolution 

The german Revolution 1918-19

Revolution from above-the


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