The Conservatives 1924-29

  • Created by: GrB
  • Created on: 13-05-17 15:54

The Conservatives 1924-29

The Conservative Administration

  • Conservatives won 1924 election woth majority of over 200
  • "New Conservatism" combined efficiency with moral purpose"
  • First post war administration to serve its full term
  • Churchill appointed COE although he had little financial expertise, Baldwin brought in a potential critic and ensured that the free trade wing were represented
  • Relations with the Soviet Union deteriorated, Labour's trade treaty abandoned and a spy scandal severed diplomatic relations
  • A.Chamberlain, Stressemann and Briand made the Locarno treaty (won the Nobel Peace Prize), France, Germany and Belgium accepted their borders, Britain and Italy acted as guarantors, Germany and France agreed to settle disputes through the League
  • Treaty didnt't mention Germany's Eastern frontiers
  • Germany admitted to the League in 1926 with a permanent seat on the council
  • Locarno was urged by Stressemann to distract from Germany not following the TOV

Conservative Reforms

  • N.Chamberlain (Minister of Health) drew up a


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