The Cell Cycle and Mitosis

  • Created by: tiacoles
  • Created on: 01-02-16 20:09

The Cell Cycle

  • Consists of a period of cell growth and DNA replication called interphase and a period of cell division called mitosis.
  • The majority of the cycle is taken up by interphase, which is sub divided into growth stages called G1, S and G2. 
  • During interphase the DNA is copied and checked for any mutations. 
  • If mutations are detected the cell may kill itself which prevents mutations from being passed on to daughter cells which could affect function.

Gap Phase 1

Cell grows and new organelles and proteins are made


Cell replicates it's DNA and checks the DNA for errors.

Gap Phase 2

Cell keeps growing and proteins needed for cell division are made. 


The cell carries out normal functions, but also prepares to divide. The cell's DNA is unravelled and replicated, to double it's genetic content. The organelles are also replicated so it has spare ones and it's ATP  content is increased (ATP is the energy needed for cell division) 


  • Mitosis is the form of cell division that occurs during the cell cycle for growth of multicellular organisms and for repairing damaged tissues.
  • It is one continuous process with series of division stages. 

The structure of


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