The Behaviourist Approach


The Behavourist Approach

  • Dominant Approach
  • Credited as the driving force in development as Psychology as a science
  • Behaviour can be observed and measured
  • Behaviourists maintain more control and objectivity during the research (lab experiments)


  • No genetic influence on behaviour
  • Little difference in animal development than humans
  • Behaviour is a result of a stimuli
  • All behaviour is learnt from the environment

Classical Conditioning: A learning process that occurs when two stimuli are repeatedly paired

  • Learning by association
  • Learning occurs when association is made between a previously neutral stimulus and a reflex response

Study: Pavlov's Dogs

- Dog is harnessed to a bench with a tube from the mouth into a jar

- When his assistant comes to the door, the dog would salivate (which was collected in the jar)

-Pavlov then rings a bell when the dog gets given food (reflex response is induced)

-The bell is then associated with food (and salivation occurs with the neutral stimuli of the bell without food)

Operant Conditioning: Form of learning - behaviour is shaped and maintained by its consequences

  • Positive Reinforcement…


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